"Efforts are over having returned to the source and origin,
Nothing surpasses this. Without sight or sound,
Unable to see the tree from the woods;
The water vast, the flowers red because it is so."
Stage IX epitomizes sambhogakaya, the body of enjoyment or bliss. We enjoy the truth that we have integrated and embodied. Having realized the shunyata of Stage VIII, we've now traced back to the source and dropped off the dropped off body and mind. We open our hands and walk, innocent. In so doing, the great absolute perfection of wisdom - prajnaparamita - shines forth. It bursts forth as compassion - beginning with the desire to have everyone experience this clarity. The apex is just behind us now as we descend the mountain to fulfill our Bodhisattva Vow. All is clear now, and we witness the simplicity underpinning what appeared so complex to the differentiating small self.
Compassion now operates to resolve the difficulties of life, bringing a sense of ease to our interactions. There is also a sense of preciseness in our action, as clarity reigns. Here, the morality of our intentions is consumed and converted into compassion spontaneously. We dwell lightly and simply, having great faith and trust. We show up without pretense, fully present and available.
Some traditional interpretations of this stage use it to mark the height of the teacher/student relationship. Here, they are both seeing through the same eyes - they realize the same truth. This can be seen as the completion of formal mind-to-mind transmission. The student now descends the mountain - committed by their vows to actualize all they have learned.