Glossary of Common Zen Terms

Anja    行者

abbot’s assistant, “doing person,” {hōjō anja 方丈行者} 

Ango 安居

“dwelling in peace” or “peaceful dwelling.” The summer and winter training seasons, with their origins in the monsoon season meditation retreats (vārsika) at the time of Shakyamuni. 

Banka 晩課

Evening sutra chanting.

Benji 弁事

head seat’s attendant, “managing affairs”, Sōtō zen temple position.

Biku    比丘

bhikshu (mendicant)

Bikuni    比丘尼

bhikshuni, nun.

Bosatsu-kai    菩薩戒

(bodhisattva precepts) are a set of moral codes used in Mahayana Buddhism to advance a practitioner along the path to becoming a Bodhisattva. In Sōtō Zen, the founder Dōgen established a somewhat expanded version of the Bodhisattva Precepts for use by both priests and lay followers, based on both Brahma Net Sutra and other sources.

Butsudan    佛壇 or 仏壇

literally "Buddha altar". Within the altar, there is an area where Mt. Sumeru (the mountain at the center of the Buddhist cosmology) is represented and in the center of that area the main image is enshrined. In the same way as a temple's main Dharma Hall, the Buddha-altar is “the temple in the middle of the home”

Buttan-e    佛誕会

Buddha’s Birthday, April 8.

Bozu   坊主

a resident priest of a temple; popularly, any priest or a monk.

Busshō    仏性

Buddha nature

Busshō 佛餉

Rice offerings placed in front of the buddha images. 

Chiden    知殿

hall caretaker, “knower of the (Buddha) hall”.

Chōka 朝課

The morning sutra chanting service.

Chōsoku    調息

Breath regulation.

Daigo    大悟-徹底  

"great realization or enlightenment." Traditionally, daigo is final, absolute enlightenment, contrasted to experiences of glimpsing enlightenment, shōgo or kenshō.

Daijiryohitsu 大事了畢

“to finish understanding the Great Matter”; to attain full awakening and complete one’s training

Daishi 大師

Posthumous honorific title meaning “great master” or “great teacher.”

Daishū 大衆

The monks residing in the zendō, “great assembly”.

Daruma   達磨

Bodhidharma, ensconced in several terms: Daruma-ki, his date of death (5th day of 10th month); Darumashū, his school of teaching, hence a name for Zen; Daruma-sōjō, the authentic transmission of his teaching via dharma-successors (hassu) and patriarchs in succession (soshigata).

Denbō 傳法

Dharma transmission. The act of designating a dharma heir, thereby "passing on" or "transmitting" (den 傳 ) the "dharma" (hō 法 ) that has previously been inherited from a teacher in a particular dharma lineage.

Densu 殿司

The monk in charge of waking the other monks in the morning, of leading the sutra chanting and other ceremonies, and of cleaning the ritual halls.

Deshi    弟子

disciple (of a teacher)

Dōan    堂行

hall assistant, a term for person sounding the bell that marks the beginning and end of zazen.

Dōjō    道場

place of the way. Initially, dōjōs were adjunct to temples. The term can refer to a formal training place for any of the Japanese dō arts but typically it is considered the formal gathering place for students of any Japanese martial arts style to conduct training, examinations and other related encounters.

Dokusan / Daisan 獨參

Sanzen on an individual, voluntary basis with the Teacher (sensei).

Dōshi    導師

officiant (leads service and ceremonies), “guiding/leading teacher”.

Ekō 回向

The dedication read after recitation of a sutra, to direct the merit gained from the recitation to a certain person or group.

Ekō henshō 回光返照

turn around your light and look back on the radiance.

Ensō   円相

The circle symbolizes the absolute enlightenment and the void. The circle executed with a single fluid brush­stroke is a popular theme in Zen painting. It is said that only someone who is inwardly collected and in equi­librium is cap­able of painting a strong and well-balanced circle.

Enzu 園頭

The monastery vegetable garden, or the gardener.

Fukuten    副典

assistant to head cook, “assistant to the tenzo”.

Fukudo   副堂

assistant to the hall assistant (dōan), “assistant to the hall”. A term for person who strikes the han.

Furoshiki    風呂敷 

wrapping cloth to store and carry robes.

Fushō    不生

unborn; Zen expression for the absolute, the true reality, in which there is no birth, no death, no becoming nor passing away, and no time in the sense of before and after.

Fūsu    副寺 ; 副司

treasurer, “assistant to the director/temple”, one of the Sōtō Zen Temple’s six officers (roku chiji 六知事). The temple officer in charge of financial affairs.

Futon    布団

a term generally referring to the traditional style of Japanese bedding consisting of padded mattresses (shikibuton = bottom mattress) and quilts (kakebuton = thick quilted bedcover) pliable enough to be folded and stored away during the day.

Fuzui 副隨

The fusu’s assistant, in charge of financial affairs and miscellaneous matters.

Gasshō   合掌

palms together. A mudra expressing nonduality: anjali (Skt). The palms are joined so that the fingertips are at the height of the nose. The hands are approximately one fist width away from the face. (Hold the palms and fingers of both hands together. Your arms should be slightly away from your chest, your elbows should extend outward from your sides in a straight line parallel with the floor. The tips of your fingers should be approximately the same level as your nose. This is an expression of respect, faith and devotion. Because the two hands (duality) are joined together, it expresses “One Mind.”)

Gotai-tōchi 五体投地

Prostrating. Stand upright and bow slightly in gassho from the waist. Then, bend your knees until they touch the floor. Bend forward from the waist, touching the floor with your hands (palms up), forearms, and forehead. Keeping your palms level, raise them as high as your ears. Maintain this posture for a moment. Bringing your hands back into gassho, straighten up to a standing position and bow as before. Prostrating in this way three times is called sanpai. We do sanpai, for example, before and after chanting sutras. Five parts of the body (gotai) refers to both knees, both elbows and forehead, while tōchi means casting them to the ground.

Han 板

board; a thick rectangular wooden board measuring about 45 x 30 x 8 cm hung in front of the zendo; , on which a rhythm is beaten with a wooden mallet three times a day: at dawn, at dusk and before going to bed. One of the narashimono used to signal times at the monastery. Often one of the following verses appears on the han:
”Heed, monks! / Be mindful in practice. / Time flies like an arrow; / It does not wait for you.”
”Completely freed from yes and no; / great emptiness charged within; / no questions, no answers; / like a fish, like a fool.”
”Great is the matter of birth and death / Life flows quickly by / Time waits for no one / Wake up! Wake up! / Don’t waste a moment!”

 Handai 飯台

The long, low tables used when eating meals in the jikido.

 Hanka fuza 半跏趺坐

The half-lotus sitting position.  

Hassu 法嗣

dharma-successor, a Zen Buddhist pupil who has reached at least the same level of attained enlightenment as his master.

Hishiryō   非思量


Hōdōshi    法幢師

Dharma flag teacher, non-abbot leading a practice period.

Hogyo 放行

Letting go; one of the aspects of Zen training, that of relaxation or loosening.

Hōjō    方丈

ten square feet: abbot’s room, named after Vimalakirti’s room.

Hōkei 法系

dharma lineage: An unbroken line of dharma transmission that is traced back through many generations of teachers and disciples. A list of names of the successive generations of teachers, culminating in one's own teacher, through whom one has inherited the dharma.

Hokkai-jōin   法界定印

“cosmic mudra“– the positioning of the hands during traditional zazen practice. To perform the cosmic mudra, the left-hand rests on the right-hand, with the tips of the thumbs lightly touching. (Place your right hand, palm-up, on your left foot, and your left hand palm-up on your right palm. The tips of your thumbs should be lightly touching each other. This is called Cosmic Mudra (hokkai-join). Place the tips of your thumbs in front of your navel, and your arms slightly apart from your body.

Hokku 法皷

The large temple drum beaten to signal the beginning of teisho or a ceremony.

Honshi   本師

original/primary teacher

Honzon   本尊

The main image of Sōtō Zen School is the founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni Buddha. Shakyamuni Buddha taught us the best way in which to live our lives and is enshrined within the Buddha-altar. In principle, all that is needed is the image of Shakyamuni Buddha. However, if you have a scroll with the images of Shakyamuni Buddha and the two founders of Sōtō Zen School in Japan, Dōgen Zenji and Keizan Zenji, then it is fine to hang that in the center of the Buddha-altar. If there is already an image of Shakyamuni Buddha, then hang the scroll behind that image.

Hōrin 法輪

The wheel of the law.

Hossu     払子

short staff of wood or bamboo with bundled hair (of a cow, horse, or yak) or hemp wielded by a Zen Buddhist priest. Often described as a "fly swatter" or "fly shooer", the stick is believed to protect the wielder from desire and also works as a way of ridding areas of flies without killing them. The hossu is regarded as symbolic of a Zen master's authority to teach and transmit Buddha Dharma to others, and is frequently passed from one master to the next.

Hōtō 法燈

Dharma lamp. A metaphorical expression, which likens the dharma (hō 法 ) to the "flame of a lamp" (tō 燈 ) which can be passed to another lamp (i.e. from master to disciple) and thus be kept burning forever. In the Zen tradition, the transmission of the formless, ineffable buddha mind (busshin 佛心 ) down through the lineage of ancestral teachers (soshi 祖師 ) is referred to metaphorically as "transmission of the flame" (dentō 傳燈 ).

Idaten 韋駄天

The tutelary diety of the temple kitchen and kuri.

 Inji 隱侍

The master’s attendant. 

Inkin 引磬

The handbell used by the jikijitsu to signal the beginning and ending of meditation, and for other miscellaneous purposes. (An inkin is a small handheld bowl-shaped bell mounted on a handle which the ino (chant leader) strikes with a metal striker at intervals to signal the beginning of bowing prostrations or, toward the end of ceremonies, to signal that it is time to gassho in the direction of the altar.)

 Ino    維那

hall manager, “overseeing karmadāna (‘giver of assignments’)”, one of the Sōtō Zen Temple’s six officers (roku chiji 六知事). Formerly, the monk in charge of supervising the work duty; at present, the monk who leads chanting during a service. At sesshin, the ino is in charge of any matter that involves the mouth. “Rector” (ino 維那): a hybrid compound (also read ina and inō) that combines the Chinese wei 維, “supervisor,” with the graph na 那, thought to represent the final syllable of the transliterated Sanskrit term karmadāna.

Inryo 隱寮

The Sensei’s living quarters.

Isshu     揖手

Folding hands at walking and standing. This is also called shashu. In Rinzai tradition the left hand covers the right hand.

Isshu 一炷

The length of time it takes to burn one stick of incense; hence, one period of zazen.

 Jikidō    直堂

hall monitor, “keeping in order the (meditation) hall”. Officiant in the Sōtō temple zendō in charge of keeping time. The jikidō signals the start and end of sitting periods by sounding the han and kesu (large bell).

Jikijitsu 直日

In a Rinzai zendō, the monk in charge of meditation in the zendō, second to the sensei.  

Jisha 侍者

abbot’s attendant, “serving person”. The head monk in charge of caring for the monks of the zendō; his duties include maintaining the zendō’s main image (usually Manjusri), serving tea, and caring for sick monks. (The rōshi's attendant during sesshin. Those attending a sesshin are most aware of the jisha's role as the person who directs dokusan; the jisha announces when daisan begins and guides students in and out.)

Jiriki    自力

”Self Power”, seeking enlightenment through one’s own merit and religious practice.

Josaku 除策

“removing the keisaku”; a free day of rest in the monastery.

Juban     襦袢

A waist-length underkimono.

Jukai       受戒

Lay ordination. Zen public ordination ceremony wherein a lay student receives certain Buddhist precepts. Ceremony of receiving (ju) the Buddhist Precepts (kai). This is a formal initiation into Buddhism, making one a member of the Buddha's family.

Junkei 巡警

The patrolling of the zendo with the keisaku.

Kaidan    戒壇

Ordination platform.

Kaihan 開板

Striking of the wooden han. (Kaihan is the striking of an instrument made from a thick wood plank, the han, struck with a wooden mallet or hammer to announce various ceremonial times. Traditionally, this is done three times to announce the various intervals throughout the day. Roughly translated, kaihan means “opening the han.”)

Kaijo 開靜

Morning wake-up at the monastery.

Kaiko 開講

The occasion of the first teisho of the ango.

Kaimyo    戒名

One’s precept name (sometimes called dharma name), given to them during a Jukai Ceremony. This is often a unique Buddhist name which may at times express certain qualities the master has observed in his or her disciple. 

Kaishi    戒師

“precept teacher”.

Kankin    看經

“sutra reading” or “sutra recitation”—sometimes even “sutra study.”

Kanshō 喚鐘

The small hanging bell rung by the monks to signal entrance to the master’s room during dokusan. It has thus come to be synonymous with sanzen itself.

 Katan 加擔

To help with work, either in general or at another temple.

Kato 掛搭

To formally enter a monastery for training. See kashaku. (Kato is a Japanese Zen expression which means “hanging up at the hook.” In a traditional Japanese monastic environment, a newly admitted postulant hangs his or her robes and clothing on a hook above their mat, which will from then on be where he sleeps and lives.)

Katsu   喝

Traditional Zen belly shout; used to cut off discriminative thinking.

Kechimyaku    血脈

"blood line", heritage of the Law. A list of the unbroken lineage of teaching from Master to disciple, from Shakyamuni Buddha to the present, graphically depicted as an endlessly flowing, circular red line, The keeping of the Precepts is called "the Blood of Buddha".

Keisaku 警策

The “warning stick,” used to encourage monks during zazen. (Rinzai)

Kekka fuza 結跏趺座

The full lotus sitting position.

Kenge 見解

The response to a koan, presented during sanzen.

Kenshō 見性

”To see self nature;” seeing one’s own true nature; an experience of awakening.  Kenshō is roughly synonymous with satori, although the latter is generally regarded as indicating a deeper experience. (Has the same meaning as satori, but is customary used for an initial awakening experience.)

Kesa 袈裟

The Buddhist liturgical robe usually translated as “surplice.” Monk’s robe. (Lit., decayed colored [robe]). It is the stylized form of the original Indian Buddhist robe, kaṣāya (Skt), worn around the body, over the left shoulder and under the right shoulder. Symbolic robe of the transmission from a master to a disciple.

 Ki    氣

vital energy

Kimono    着物

The traditional Japanese kimono has wide, half-way sewn sleeves. There is no seam between the top and the skirt, and there are no pleats in the skirt. Pure cotton kimonos lose length during washing. A fold in the waist areas allows for lengthening. Kimonos are ankle length, For ceremonial use white cotton.

Kinhin or kyōgyō 經行

Walking meditation. Literally, "to go straight". When doing kinhin in Sōtō zen style, walk clockwise around the room, holding your hand in shashu position. From the waist up, your posture should be the same as that in zazen. Take the first step with your right foot. Advance by taking only half step for each full breath (one exhalation and inhalation). (= Issoku-hanpo 一息半歩 ”walking half step with breathing in and out”. Walk slowly and smoothly as if you were standing in one place. Do not drag your feet or make noise. Walk straight ahead, and when turning, always turn to right. The word kinhin means to go straight. When you finish kinhin, stop and bow. Then walk at a normal pace around the room until you return to your seat.

Kirigami    切り紙 

literally refers to "paper strips" on which Sōtō masters transmitted esoteric interpretations of kōans with cryptic sayings, formulas, and diagrams. 

Kitan ryushaku 起單留錫

The occasion at the end of the training period when a monk notifies the monastery whether he will be staying for the next training period or leaving to continue his angya.

Kōan    公案 

”public case”, ”public announcement”, or ”precedent for public use”. A fundamental practice in Zen training, challenging the pupil through a question, or a phrase or answer to a question, which presents a paradox or puzzle. A kōan cannot be understood or answered in conventional terms: it requires a pupil to abandon reliance on ordinary ways of understanding in order to move into or towards enlightenment.

Koban 香盤

The incense holder in which sticks of incense are burned by the jikijitsu during zazen. 

Kōden    香典 · 香奠

To offer incense.

Konshō 昏鐘

The evening ringing of the large temple bell.


Kontin (konchin)  雷沈 (こんち ん)

"darkness-sinking", a state of mind characterized by sleepiness, depression, lack of energy.

Koromo 衣

Monastic robe (worn by ordained monks only).

Kyōsaku 教策

"Encouragement stick" waking stick in Sōtō; called keisaku in Rinzai. A flattened stick at one end, 75 to 105 cm in length, used to strike the shoulders during zazen, to help overcome fatigue or reach satori, called keisaku in Rinzai. The kyōsaku symbolises the sword of wisdom of the bodhisattva Mańjushri, which cuts through all delusion; thus it is always respectfully handled. If you want to be struck with the kyosaku, signal with gassho and wait. When the jikido sets the stick on your right shoulder, lower your head to the left. This is to avoid being hit on the ear and to make it easier to hit the shoulder muscles. Continue to gassho. After the jikido hits your shoulder, straighten your head again and bow. The jikido also bows to you as he or she stands behind you, holding the stick with both hands.

Kyūhai   九拝

ninefold prostration.

Mokugyo    木魚

A wooden drum carved from one piece, to set the rhythm for chanting. (Lit., wooden fish. An elaborately carved wooden drum struck with a padded wooden stick during chanting services. Fish, since they never sleep, symbolize the alertness and watchfulness needed to attain Buddhahood.)

Mondō 問答

‘Question and answer’, a term used in Japanese zen practice to refer to a discussion or interview between master and student in which a religious theme is addressed obliquely rather than in the form of a debate or lecture. Normally the student raises a problem in connection with doctrine or practice and the master attempts to provide an answer without recourse to theoretical or analytical explanations. The records of these exchanges are often preserved as kōans for use by subsequent students.

Obi    帯

sash for traditional Japanese kimono. 

Ōryōki 應量器

The Sōtō 4 bowls set; begging bowl; Buddha Bowl (仏鉢 buppatsu)


Oshō    和尚

Japanese reading of the Chinese he shang (和尚), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san, it is originally derived from the Sanskrit upadhyaya, meaning "master" in the sense of "teacher".

Raihai   禮拝

Prostration before the altar or the roshi. The Zen student is taught that in raihai one throws everything away. Normally done in a set of three, these are bows that lead immediately into a kneeling position and then quickly into a position with one's forehead gently touching the floor. The hands, palms upwards, are raised in a gesture symbolic of lifting the Buddha's feet over one's head. An act of respect and gratitude.  

Rakusu 絡子

The smallest style of kesa, shaped like a bib and worn around the neck.

Rōhatsu 臘八

The severest sesshin of the monastic year, commemorating the enlightenment of the Buddha. It is usually held from December 1st until the morning of December 8th, during which period the monks are not allowed to lie down to rest.


Roku chiji    六知事

Sōtō Zen Temple’s six officers, “six knowers/managers of affairs”: 1. director {tsūsu 都寺} “capital temple,” {kansu 監寺} “watching over temple”, 2. treasurer {fūsu 副寺} “assistant to the director/temple”, 3. hall manager {ino 維那} “overseeing karmadana (‘giver of assignments’)”, 4. head cook {tenzo 典座} “celebration/ceremony seat”, 5. work leader {shissui 直歳} “keeping in order the vicinity”, 6. guest manager {shika 知客} “knower of guests” (traditionally asst. director)

Saiza 斎座

Lunch, the main meal of the monastic day.

Sampai    三拝

Threefold [san] prostration [hai]; expression of veneration through pros­tration customary in Zen, in which otherwise there is a dearth of ceremonial forms. Sampai was probably originally an expression of veneration toward the Three Treasures. Under certain circumstances, also ninefold prostration (kyūhai 九拝) is practised.

Samu 作務

Manual labor in the monastery, a part of training equally important to zazen.

Samue 作務衣

Working or everyday clothes for a male Zen Buddhist monk.

Sanzen 參禪

Formal meditation study with a Zen master. More specifically, the private meetings between master and disciple in which the master instructs the disciple in meditation.

 Satori    悟り; 覚り [さとり] 

the experience of awakening, enlightenment. (Chinese: 悟 ; pinyin: wù; Korean 오 ) is a Japanese Buddhist term for enlightenment that literally means "understanding". In the Zen Buddhist tradition, satori refers to a flash of sudden awareness, or individual enlightenment, and is considered a "first step" or embarkation toward nirvana.

Seiza     正座

Lit., "proper sitting", is the Japanese term for the traditional formal way of sitting in Japan. A sitting position where one kneels and sits back onto the heels. This is the standard position for chanting during service.

 Sesshin 攝心

Meditation retreats, generally lasting one week. Samu is replaced by additional meditation. A sesshin (接心, 摂心, 攝心), literally "touching the heart-mind" (but frequently mistranslated in Western Zen centers as "gathering the mind"), is a period of intensive meditation (zazen) in a Zen monastery.

Shashu   叉手

Hand position used when walking or standing in the zendō. Put the thumb of your left hand in the middle of the palm and make a fist around it. Place the fist in front of your chest. Cover the fist with your right hand. Keep your elbows away from your body forming a straight line with both forearms.

Shihō   嗣法

Dharma transmission. The act by which a master affirms that a students’ training is complete and that he or she is ready to begin to teach the Dharma independently.

Shika    知客

guest manager, “knower of guests” (traditionally asst. director), one of the Sōtō Zen Temple’s six officers (roku chiji 六知事). The head monk in charge of the administrative section of the monastery, and whose duties involve meeting guests.

Shikantaza 祗管打坐 

“just sitting”; a state of attention that is free from thoughts, directed to no object, and attached to no particular content.

Shinrei 振鈴

The wake-up bell, hand bell rung in the morning to awaken everyone in the temple.

Shinsu    辰司

wake-up bell ringer, “morning officer”.

Shinto 新到

A new monk; usually refers to monks in their first year at the monastery.

Shippei    竹箆

bamboo staff which curves slightly, approximately half a metre long, which is used as a "symbol of a Zen master's authority" in Zen Buddhism. In contrast to the keisaku, the shippei was often used as a disciplinary measure for meditating monks. It can often be found at the side of a Zen master in a zendo and is also "one of seven items that make up a Zen monk's equipment." The shippei is made from a split piece of bamboo, which is bound with wisteria vine and then lacquered. Sometimes curved in the shape of an S, the shippei may be elaborately decorated with a silk cord or have carvings.

 Shissui    直歳

work leader, “keeping in order the vicinity”, one of the Sōtō Zen Temple’s six officers (roku chiji 六知事).

Shitsunai 室内

Lit., “inside the room”—an term for the meditation instruction that takes place between the master and disciple in the sanzen room of the master.

Shokan 初關

Lit., “the first barrier”; the first koan received by a monk.

Shōken 相見

A formal meeting with a Zen master. 

Shoshin     初心

is a concept in Zen Buddhism meaning "beginner's mind". It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would. The term is especially used in the study of Zen Buddhism and Japanese martial arts. The phrase is also used in the title of the book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by the Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki, who says the following about the correct approach to Zen practice: ”In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few.”

Shō shuso    請首座

Appointing shuso.

Shuso    首座

head student, “head seat”.

Sōtō-shū     曹洞宗

one of two dominant sects of Zen in Japan, the other being Rinzai.  Sōtō Sect of Zen emphasizing shikantaza as the primary mode of practice.

Sozarei 総茶禮

A formal meeting that all monks are required to attend. Usually held before important affairs.

Sūsokukan    数息観

“observation of breath count”; preliminary meditation of counting breaths. (You may choose to count the exhale, inhale or both. Count the exhale when you are sleepy; count the inhale when the mind is distracted. If you are very sleepy and distracted count both exhale and inhale.)

Suzu    鈴 S

mall hand bell rung through the halls (of a monastery, or at sesshin) as a wakeup call.

Taku 柝木

Wooden clappers, two pieces of hard wood, about 5 x 5 x 25 cm. They are held parallel and struck together, making a sharp clack. The jikijitsu uses them to lead kinhin, and the ino also has a set with which to punctuate the meal­time recitations.)

Takuhatsu 托鉢

Mendicancy; monastic begging rounds.

Tan 単

A meditation platform in a zendo. Usually there are three or four: the jikijitsu tan (the tan to the left as you enter the front of the zendo), tanto tan (the tan to the right as you enter the front of the zendo), naka tan (an auxilliary tan between the jikijitsu tan and the tanto tan), and sometimes a gaitan (an auxilliary tan outside the main zendo room). The word tan can also indicate a person’s place on the tan, and hence his place in the monastery hierarchy.

Tangaryō    旦過寮

A period of waiting for admission into a Zen monastery at the gate, lasting anywhere from one day to several weeks—depending on the quality of one's sitting. Refers to the room traveling monks stay in when visiting, or await admittance into the sōdō.


Tangazume 旦過詰

The period in which a postulant at a Zen monastery must sit alone in a small room (called the tangaryō) facing the wall, usually for a period of five days.

Tantō    単頭

Lit., "head of the tan." Platform head (assistant to head of training); “(sitting) platform head”. In a Zen temple, the tantō is one of two officers (with the godō) in charge monks' training. (One of the main leaders of a sesshin, the tantō is in charge of the smooth running of the zendō. The tantō is usually an experienced senior student who is familiar with the roles of the other leaders and thus is able to offer guidance if any confusion arises.)

Teihatsu    剃髪

shaving the head.

Teishō 提唱

The teacher’s dharma lecture, usually on a kōan, a Zen text, or a sutra. Rather than an explanation or exposition in the traditional sense, it is intended as a demonstration of Zen realisation.  

Tenzo    典座

head cook, “celebration/ceremony seat”, one of the Sōtō Zen Temple’s six officers (roku chiji 六知事). The monastery kitchen; also the head cook for a monastery or sesshin. Traditionally the role of tenzo was a position of high honor in zen monasteries. Similarly today, a tenzo is often considered to be one of the main leaders for sesshin.

Toki 湯器

The container for hot water.

Tokudo 得度

To be ordained as a monk. 

Unsui 雲水

Lit., “clouds and water”; a Zen monk in training. Unsui or kōun ryūsui (行雲流水) in full, is a term specific to Zen Buddhism which denotes a postulant awaiting acceptance into a monastery or a novice monk who has undertaken Zen training. Sometimes they will travel from monastery to monastery (angya) on a pilgrimage to find the appropriate Zen master to study with. The term unsui comes from a Chinese poem which reads, "To drift like clouds and flow like water."

Zabuton    座布団

Cushion for sitting. The zabuton is generally used when sitting on the floor, and may also be used when sitting on a chair. Ordinarily any place in Japan where seating is on the floor will be provided with zabuton, for sitting comfort.

Zafu  座蒲

Round pillow for zazen. Za (座) means "seat", and fu (蒲) means reedmace or cattail.. A zafu is a seat stuffed with the fluffy, soft, downy fibres of the disintegrating reedmace seed heads.

Zagu 坐具

The rectangular “sitting cloth,” used during ceremonies at the time of ritual prostrations. Piece of cloth carried by monk on which bowing is done. (It is crisply folded and worn by the ordained over the left wrist.)

Zazen 坐禅

seated meditation; sitting practice of Zen; upright sitting with no mental fabrication. Zazenkai     坐禅会 One-day retreat.

Zen    禅 (Trad. 禪)

meditation. The Japanese word “Zen”, or “禅” (“ぜん”), is a deformation, through Chinese (“禪”, pronounced “chan2” in Mandarin), of the Sanskrit “dhyāna” (“ध्यान” in the original script), meaning “meditation”.

Zendō 禅堂

A Zen meditation hall.

Zenji    禅師

Lit., Zen master [ji = shi, master]; honorific title having the sense of great [or renowned] Zen master. It is a title that is generally conferred posthumously; several masters, however, received this title during their lifetime.