"With all my effort, I take hold of it;
Strong and stubborn, it is hard to control.
One minute it is on the high plateau,
The next in a place deep among the clouds.."*
In the transition to stage four, we become a little better acquainted with the ox. Having glimpsed at our true nature, we now have a little bit better idea of where to look.
We discover quickly, however, that holding the ox is a different matter. Aspiration is critical to developing a sense of intimacy with our experience. We need to take in the whole counsel of what is coming up for us - and experience directly before the small self takes hold and weaves its own narrative. This takes perseverance, discipline, and practice. There is wrestling with ego - we can now shift our perspective and see it for what it is - strong and stubborn.
Sometimes our true nature is on the high plateau and we bask in the splendor, others it is shrouded in clouds. We cultivate wisdom when oneness is perceived, but fully integrating that wisdom is a challenge. Wisdom needs to manifest in the compassionate action of the bodhisattva...