"Obey the nature of things, and you are in concord with the Way,
Calm and easy and free from annoyance;
But when your thoughts are tied, you turn away from the truth,
They grow heavier and duller and are not at all sound."
To be in agreement with the Way - to be one with it - one need only obey the nature of it. Staying open to what is present and avoiding the discordant discourse of the small mind makes for a calm and easy way of being. Just be present and open-handed with what is coming up and manifest compassion.
There's an old saying that goes, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we set out to deceive!" We find that a narrative separated from truth and reality requires a lot of work to keep afloat. Although we don't necessarily set out to lie - the same concept is at play when we set out picking and choosing. It requires us to work harder and harder to keep a coherent narrative together - which is bound to come crashing down under its own weight when the delusions don't match what really is.