The Magic Wand of Awareness: Transforming Suffering with Intention
Experience these inspiring talks firsthand and deepen your practice. Join us for zazen Monday through Friday at 6:30 AM CST at One River Zen. All are welcome to sit, listen, and share in the Sangha's presence. See you there!
Good morning! I’m happy to share that, through the beneficent guidance of all the Buddhas throughout space and time, each one of you has been entrusted with a very special gift this morning—a magic wand. I know some of you might look at me with disbelief, but it’s there.
To use it, simply train your conscious awareness on the circumstances of your life, particularly where you find suffering. Pause, breathe, and let your judgements settle. Then, simply be moved by the circumstances as they present themselves. Perhaps it’s a colleague struggling under the weight of a heavy workload, a stranger in need of a kind word, or even yourself wrestling with doubt. When you do this, you’ll know precisely how to stand, how to comport yourself in a way that gives life—in a way that ameliorates suffering, offers comfort to those who are down, and lifts up those who have fallen.
Each one of you will need to test what I’ve said to see if it’s true. Go out today and try to cast a few spells with this wand. Notice how the world shifts when you bring your full attention and intention to the moment. But there is one word of warning: as much as this wand can give life, it can also take it away. Ensure you’re paying close and careful attention.
Don’t lose yourself in the ever-rambling idylls of your mind when it tries to overlay your conscious awareness with judgments. Left unchecked, those judgments can be amplified and manifest harm—an unkind word, a dismissive action, or even neglect. So, use this wand wisely today and go out to give life. When in doubt, return to your breath, return to this moment, and manifest your innate wisdom.
Have a wonderful morning. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow for meditation at 6:30. Take good care.