See Clearly by Letting Go
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We often think of the spiritual path as a quest for truth—a journey of reading, comparing, and weighing different ideas against some ideal of perfection. Yet, if we want to truly witness the truth, the path is much simpler than that. It begins with setting aside our opinions. Now, of course, we can't eliminate opinions altogether; we’ll always have preferences—chocolate or vanilla, for instance. But when we take a step back and recognize the source of our opinions, we realize how insubstantial they really are. They're just ideas.
When we release the grip on these opinions as if they held real substance, the truth naturally reveals itself. Suddenly, we can see the world as it is, free from the filters of expectation. But until we let go of preconceived notions of what we think things should be, we'll miss the truth right in front of us.
So as you go about your day today, notice all the moments where you aren’t seeing clearly—whether it's because things don't meet your expectations or because you're distracted. The truth is always present, but if you’re going to wake up, it has to happen here and now. Where else do you expect it to happen?