ZEN ROOTS | Origins of Buddhist Practice

Join us for a captivating exploration of the ancient roots and rich history of Buddhism in our four-week series, "Zen Roots: Origins of Buddhist Practice." Delve into the fascinating journey of Buddhism from its Brahmin origins in India, through China, Japan, and to its present-day form in the United States.

Week 1: From Brahmin Origins to Early Buddhism
Discover the foundational principles of Buddhism and trace its origins from ancient Brahmin traditions to the emergence of early Buddhist practices.

Week 2: Transmission to China and the Birth of Zen
Explore the transformative journey of Buddhism as it spread to China, giving birth to the Zen tradition and evolving through profound encounters with Daoist and Confucian thought.

Week 3: Zen in Japan: From Rinzai to Soto
Uncover the development of Zen in Japan, from the establishment of Rinzai and Soto schools to the influence of Japanese culture and aesthetics on Zen practice.

Week 4: Zen in the United States: From East to West
Examine the migration of Zen teachings to the United States, the fusion of Eastern and Western philosophies, and the evolution of Zen practice in contemporary American society.

Enroll Today:
Don't miss this unique opportunity to journey through the historical tapestry of Buddhism and Zen. Classes start on May 22nd, every Thursday, offering insights into the ancient roots and modern manifestations of Buddhist practice. Enroll now to deepen your understanding of Zen's profound legacy and its relevance in today's world.

Your guide on this journey will be Sensei Michael, fully-empowered Zen Teacher, Buddhist Priest, and Founder of One River Zen

Four-week series beings Thursday, May 22nd at 7P. Classes are online and in-person.

The donation is for a four-week series:

$99 for all four classes

If you need help financially to participate, please email outreach@oneriverzen.org