"The ultimate end of things where they cannot go any further
Is not bound by rules and measures
In the Mind harmonious with the Way we have the principle of identity,
In which we find all strivings quieted;
Doubts and irresolutions are completely done away with and the right faith is straightened;"
The ultimate end of things is very elusive. In conceptual terms, all that is needed is a hint of picking and choosing and a new chasm opens. There are no rules or measures here - as delusion knows no end. The discriminating mind will continue to regurgitate ideas and constructs and reinvigorate them with new divisions ad nauseaum, shifting the sands endlessly into new shapes.
When we find the Mind harmonious with the Way, subject and object are shot through. There is no path and no one to walk on it - just the activity of this present infinite moment. This is the end of striving - as the discriminating mind is no longer at work and we meet the moment in perfect freedom to manifest full compassion.
When we touch the chords of this harmony, doubts and irresolutions are done away with - as we see the fulness and lack of want. In each moment we act skillfully with what presents itself directly, abandoning fear and embodying faith.