"When the deep meaning of the Way is not understood
Peace of mind is disturbed to no purpose.

Sōsan has spoken about the manifestation of the True Way in the quietude bereft of discerning thoughts. One might be tempted to somehow work towards this as a sort of gaining idea. Perhaps we might meditate more to cultivate greater equanimity in an effort to attain the True Way. But in doing this, we miss the 'deep meaning' of the Way and our efforts are 'to no purpose'.

When we practice patiently all things drop away: this includes gaining ideas, expectations, even our very concept of self. We surrender to not-knowing and loosen our grasp on being in control. We never really were in control, after all. In this place of not-knowing, a type of sublime certitude replaces the clinging grasp of the small mind. Here, the True Way manifests itself and we recognize our essential nature. Just continue your practice without expectation, and wonder at the perfection of this very moment. When you are sitting, sit. When it is time to wash the dishes, just do that. Stay here.


A Heart Sutra Journey | Part Two


A Heart Sutra Journey | Part Three