Fukan-zazengi | Part Five


Furthermore, your body is like a drop of dew on a blade of grass, your life is like a flash of lightning. Your body will disappear soon, your life will be lost in an instant. You, honored practitioner, after learning in a partial way like the blind people who touched various parts of the elephant, please do not be scared by the real dragon. Devote yourself to the Way which indicates Reality directly. Respect those who realize their Self and no longer seek anything outside. Be in accord with the buddhas’ bodhi. Succeed to the sages’ samadhi. If you practice suchness continuously, you will be suchness.


Each evening as we go to bed, the number of our days is reduced by one. Don't get lost in trying to figure out what it is all about - the answer is present in every breath. Follow where every step leads, don't dwell elsewhere. Lose yourself it the suffering that presents itself so all can be released. When you see this recognition reflected in the eyes of your fellow practitioners, bow deeply. Thus all inherit the Buddha's great awakening and flawlessly dance in this wonderful samadhi.


The treasure house will open of itself, and you will be able to use it at will.

Appreciate your life. 

"Have good trust in yourself,

not in the One that you think you should be,

but in the One that you are."






Fukan-zazengi | Part Four
